CCA-GA is the Georgia affiliate of the Coastal Conservation Association, a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, with over 100,000 members. The objective of CCA is to conserve, promote, and enhance the present and future availability of our coastal marine resources for the benefit and enjoyment of the general public. On a local, state and national level, CCA initiates scientific studies, funds marine-science scholarships, builds artificial reefs, creates finfish hatcheries, monitors the quality and quantity of freshwater inflows, supports local marine law enforcement, helps establish game fish status for recreational species, supports pro-fisheries legislation, battles arbitrary no-fishing zones, seeks to implement bycatch reduction regulations and works to prohibit destructive commercial fishing gear.
UGA MAREX MARINE SCIENCE SUMMER CAMP FISHING FOR FUN June 27 – July 1 This week of Marine Science Camp, the focus was fishing for fun for 36 very interested 11-12 year old campers. They first received a short on-shore demonstration of rigging tackle and safe fishing
Rick Cunningham and Dave Devore went out on Vic Vaccaro’s boat July 11th. First stop – netting bait shrimp – the best catch of the day, and we had shrimp left over when we returned 5 hrs later! In this pic Vic releases the first catch of the day. Both Vic and the skate were happy to be separated. Shortly after that he hooked into a nice sea trout who came home for dinner. Rick and Dave picked up their fish at Publix on the way home! Note that the Joe’s Cut FAD (fish attraction devices) are visible above the low tide line in the background of this image – we were there at dead low tide so didn’t get to cast towards the area.. Sent from my iPhone
We’re in the process of forming a new chapter in Statesboro, GA – the officers have stepped forward and we will finalize the formation of the chapter in the next week or so. We’re excited that these folks are coming onboard! Stay Tuned!
The Georgia Department of Natural Resources needs your help selecting the image for a new motor vehicle license plate to benefit marine habitat enhancement. Please click here to complete the survey and choose your favorite license plate design.