On Saturday, July 27th the Cast Away Club’s featured topic was “Bee Wild”. Lisa Wood of Bee Cause taught the kids all about bees. Lisa brought a bee hive to show the kids how the hive works – the role of the queen bee, worker bees and the drones. Lisa explained the importance of bees and the mission of the organization to inspire the next generation of environmental stewards while protecting our planet’s precious pollinators. Everyone that attended received honey sticks and a bio-degradable flower pot (seeds included) to start their own pollination garden and was invited to visit the Bee Garden located at Sparrow Field. After the nature presentation the kids and their parents fished the lagoon for about an hour. Volunteers were on hand to distribute fishing rods and bait provided by CCA. Volunteers also helped set up and repair rods as necessary. Cast Away Club events are always free. Kid’s logoed Cast Away Club hats and insulated drink bottles are available for a $10 donation. CCA is a non-profit organization with chapters on the Atlantic, Pacific, and Gulf Coasts. For more information about CCA of Skidaway, contact Rick Tallon (417) 294-2002. For more information about CCA’s Georgia […]
The Skidaway CCA (Coastal Conservation Association) hosted “The Secrets of Bluebirds” on Saturday, June 29th at the Landings Kids Lagoon for the CCA Cast Away Club. Bluebird secrets were revealed by Skidaway Audubon board members and Bluebird Trail experts Brenda Ecken, Sarah Lucas, and Bill Lee. The event was an engaging, interactive program on the lifecycle of bluebirds. The children learned how the bluebird houses are monitored on the island and the lifecycle from nest, egg, nestling to fledgling. Ellis S. was amazed that each bluebird laid a unique color egg. Did you know that they lay three to six eggs? The most found on Skidaway was nine eggs in one nest! “Mister Bluebird was on our shoulder” and in the variety of nests for viewing. The childrenwere gifted binoculars to keep our budding young ornithologists inspired. Volunteers from the Skidaway CCA were onhand for a fishing clinic after the Bluebird presentation for the kids, parents, and grandparents. It was an exciting, educational, fun-filled, morning for the Cast Away Club!
28th ANNUAL KID’S FISHING DERBY A REAL “BLUEGILL BLAST!” When the siren went off promptly at 9am, 136 worms variously flew and flip-flopped through the air as island youngsters simultaneously cast their baits into the Kid’s Fishing Lagoon marking the beginning of the 2024 Kid’s Fishing Derby (KFD) on Saturday, May 25. Not 10 seconds into the event, both Charlie Bees and Erik Oliver landed nice bluegills, setting an exceptionally successful tone for one of our island’s oldest and favorite outdoor traditions.“What a derby!” exclaimed KFD chairman, Tom Rood, “We were just 13 participants shy of our all-time record and, with 592 fish caught, we fell just short of our 2013 record of 615 fish brought in. Notably, we did establish a new record for first time anglers with 61 youngsters signing up for their inaugural derby. This bodes well for our future.”New for this year was our BLUEGILL BONANZA, which featured 10 tagged bluegill. Any youngster catching a tagged fish during the derby would receive a $100 Bass Pro gift certificate. No tagged fish were caught but wait until next year!Everyone was treated to an angling feat of another kind when an osprey plunged into the Kid’s Lagoon during […]
For this year’s banquet we have an even dozen great items for the live auction! Take a look at these items and get together with your friends to figure out which items to go in on. It’s for a great cause, and enjoying these fantastic experiences and adventures with your friends makes it that much more special! 501 Surf and Turf Dinner for 10 Joe Tyson and Robert Hale from the CCA Skidaway Cooking Team are introducing a new Live Auction item for this year’s Banquet. Joe and Robert will prepare a dinner that will include salad, grilled filet and a steamed lobster tail and dessert. This is a great opportunity to entertain your favorite friends and not have to cook. These “galloping gourmets” will prepare and serve the dinner at your home or any other venue you choose while you sit back and enjoy every minute of it. This is an item you do not want to miss. Alcohol and appetizers are not included. Must be scheduled on a mutually agreeable date (Fridays and Saturdays are blacked-out) Expires: 4-23-25 A $1,200 Value 502 Three Hour Bull River Cruise for 30 including a $250 gift certificate for Hors d’oeuvres […]