Don’t Wait! Help CCA raise $12,000 to implement Joe’s Cut reef enhancement. Two of our four committed habitat projects (the Savannah Reef Enhancement and the Henry Vassa Cate piling reconstruction off Jekyll Island) were completed in 2015 at a cost of $34,200 to CCA GA. The next up of the final two projects is the Joe’s Cut reef enhancement scheduled to be completed in the April/May time frame and will require us to raise an additional $12,000. Joe’s Cut inshore artificial reef is located in Wassaw Sound. This reef was constructed in the 1980s but materials are mostly now covered in sediment. The intention is to deploy 50 Fish Attracting Devices (FADs) like the one shown below: Various forms of marine life will colonize these structures and should create improved fishing opportunities in this popular and easily accessed location. Thus far in 2016, we have received about $1300 in CCA member donations to go towards this project, so we need about $10,700 to get Joe’s Cut implemented by the April timeframe. So, we’re asking you, our CCA members, to again consider making a tax free contribution (CCA GA is a 501C3 organization so all donations are tax deductible) to help us obtain these needed funds. And, we have an easy way for you to make your contribution. Please click on the “Donate Now” button above or below and follow the instructions to make an on-line contribution or to obtain a Habitat Project Donation form to fill-out and mail in. Thank you for your consideration of this request. We will keep you posted on our progress of meeting our goal of making the reef enhancement at Joe’s Cut a reality.