2018 Sapelo Oyster Roast & Membership Appreciation Event
The Sapelo Chapter of Coastal Conservation Association Georgia is having its 3nd Annual Oyster Roast on Saturday, February 24th, 2018! We’ll have food, beverages, a few raffle items and lots of fun! To make your reservation or get additional information, contact Russell Kent (rkent51@yahoo.com). We’re asking both active members and future members to make reservations…gotta make sure we don’t run out of oysters! Also, please let me know if you would like to volunteer to help with the cooking.
WHAT: Local oysters and clams accompanied by specialty dishes provided by some of our special people. We’ll also have beer, wine and sweet tea!
WHEN: Saturday, February 24th from 6-9 P.M
WHERE: Delta Plantation Clubhouse on Harris Neck (contact Russell if you need directions)
Active CCA Members: Free! Includes food and beverages for you and your spouse or guest
Future CCA Members: $35 individual; includes food, beverages and one year membership.
$45 couple; includes food, beverages and one year membership for one person.
CONTACT: Russell Kent; cell phone (912) 506-2150; rkent51@yahoo.com
You’re welcome to BYOB and we’ll gladly include any appetizers, sides or main dishes if you want to share your culinary talents. We’ll have plenty so please don’t feel obligated to bring anything….just come and have a great time!