Skidaway CCA January 2015 Meeting and Free Public Seminar. Shallow water fishing in the Southeast Coastal Georgia waters will be the focus of the CCA of Skidaway’s January meeting to be held on Monday, January 11, at St. Peter’s Church beginning at 7:00 pm. This is free and open to the public. The panel of speakers, which will consist of Landings residents Robert Hale, Matt Amman, and Mark McGarity, will discuss the techniques necessary to be successful with live bait, artificial bait, and with fly tackle for saltwater species. Collectively, the panel has over 80 years of shallow water fishing experience, and they appreciate the challenges associated with catching fish during seasonal weather changes. This will be an interactive seminar. Come prepared to learn some great fishing tips!
Daily Archives: January 6, 2016
2016 Sapelo Oyster Roast & Membership Appreciation Event- Saturday, February 20th, 6:00 PM Delta Plantation Clubhouse on Harris Neck For detailed information on any of our fundraising banquets, please contact the CCA GA state office at 1-912-927-0280 or send an email to Stephanie Barkley – Or Buy Your Tickets Now! 2016 Sapelo Oyster Roast Tickets Couple $30.00 USDSingle $25.00 USD Each chapter of the Coastal Conservation Association Georgia sponsors an annual fundraising banquet. While these banquets vary by chapter… some banquets may feature a sit down dinner with crystal and linen, while other banquets may feature home cooked barbeque or a low country shrimp boil. One thing, though, is for certain: you will have a fantastic time, meet new friends, and chances are, will go home with some very unique prizes! CCA Georgia’s banquets include raffles, silent auctions and live auctions. Auction items typically include everything from name brand sunglasses to rods and reels to exotic trips to Europe, South America, the Caribbean and Africa. Bring along your spouse and friends and be prepared for a fun filled evening! See you at the next banquet!