Skidaway GRITS Volunteers Information Page

Key Links for GRITS Volunteers

The following links are for use by the group of volunteers on Skidaway Island who are contributing to the Village Walk Pharmacy COVID-19 vaccination drive by documenting each dose administered using the Georgia Registry of Inoculation Transactions System.

There are a few spreadsheets used to keep track of volunteers and schedules.

The Official Volunteers Schedule 

Certain leads (Chris, Pat, Blake, Rick) will be responsible for updating the schedule – for others it’s read only, but it’s THE place for all information about the actual schedule. It also has a tab where contact information for every volunteer is recorded.

 Volunteers Time Slot Requests

a place for volunteers to indicate their availability and preferences for upcoming time slots

Sign up sheet for potential volunteers

We now have sufficient volunteers, but if there is a need in the future for additional, then brand new volunteers should be directed to this link to add their contact information.

is a new website set up by Village Walk Pharmacy and Coastal Health Partners – At that website people can get on a mail distribution list to be notified in advance of the next release of vaccination calendar slots. Please let people know about it!

Thanks to Dr. Jason Conley, Skidaway resident and owner of Village Walk Pharmacy for planning and operating this wonderful resource for our community. This is a huge effort that Village Walk Pharmacy has undertaken for Skidaway. The clinic is also supported by Coastal Care Partners and other island volunteers.

Other Key Documents

GRITS Data Input Training

Our cliff notes for data entry into GRITS. Volunteers should review this prior to their first shift. 

GRITS Data Entry Guide

Our more complete data entry guide.

GRITS Confidentiality Policy

(By logging in to the system you agree to abide by the GRITS Confidentiality policy)

The GRITS Manual

The full manual for GRITS system usage. You should not need this, but some volunteers may want to understand more of the details. 

COVID Immunization Consent Form

This is the form that all persons fill out and bring with them to their appointment, and the form that you will use as you are entering data into GRITS.

And for reference purposes, the volunteers at the front of the clinic, handling intake of appointments, organized by Dr. Cary Shapoff, have their own scheduling spreadsheet that you can view. You will be working in the same space with these volunteers.

Village Walk Pharmacy Clinic Intake Volunteers