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The Georgia Department of Natural Resources is holding hearings regarding a proposal to change the minimum possession size for spotted seatrout from 13 inches to 14 inches.  The attached announcement from DNR explains the proposed change.
CCAGA supports this proposed rule change.  Along with our support however is a strong request that the Georgia DNR continue to monitor the abundance of seatrout in Georgia waters so the effect of this rule change may be measured in the next few years.  The Coastal Resources Division of DNR has conducted a Sportfish Population Health Assessment each year for a number of years.  This information plus other abundance data exist so baseline data is available which can be compared with future fish abundance measures.  It is CCAGA’s position that continued regular stock assessment for seatrout is essential for proper management of this resource.



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Coastal Conservation Association Georgia (CCA GA) is a non-profit, grassroots organization dedicated to the conservation, promotion and enhancement of Georgia’s marine resources. CCA GA’s strength is drawn from the thousands of recreational saltwater anglers that make up its membership.

Please feel free to browse our web site. Take a look at our photo album! Join CCA GA and be directly involved in shaping the important issues that keep our costal resources strong, safe and vibrant. Your membership helps us continue to be an active and vital part of the community. Some of our recent projects include…

  • Operation R.O.E.
  • Oyster reef restoration
  • Fish habitat enhancement
  • Educational kids’ fishing derbies
  • Offshore reef program
  • Advocacy; passage of HB 869