2024 CCA Banquet Night 4-23-24 Volunteers Request

 Registration is closed for this event

The CCA Skidaway Banquet/Auction will be held at the Palmetto Clubhouse here at the Landings on April 23rd, 2024.

This major event coordinated by Tom Rood that requires a number of “behind the scenes” activities to make it happen, ensure that it runs smoothly, and is successful as an event and key fundraiser for CCA GA. We are looking for a few volunteers to help us during the event and are asking if you can give us some of your time before, after or during the event to help us out.  Below is an outline of the role and a small-time commitment during the event.  

Once you have reviewed the list and you would like to volunteer, please click on the buttons at either the top or bottom of this page.

Volunteer Area


When needed

Number of Volunteers


Silent Auction

Help set up SA auction items display

Day of Banquet – before Banquet start


3-4 hrs

Registration Desk

Support the registration desk answering questions concerning seat assignments etc.

Start of Banquet


30 – 45 minutes

Ranger’s Desk

Provide Name Tags, programs, drink tickets & table assignment

Start of Banquet


30-45 minutes

Silent Auction Items Pack up for winners

Support "SA winners list" creation by winner's name, collect SA items, place in "to go bags" and deliver to Azalea Room for checkout



30-45 minutes

Silent Auction Check out

Support the SA checkout table helping to validate against winner’s list and take payments for bagged items to be paid by Cash or check. or Ranger Buck



30-45 minutes

Banquet Clean Up

Help with clean up, collection of flowers and other decorations



30 minutes

April 23rd, 2024 from  5:00 PM to  9:30 PM